HC Deb 31 July 1958 vol 592 cc1569-70
14. Mr. McKay

asked the Minister of Education the names of the local education authorities in North-East England and the school population in each area; how many children in each district are getting a secondary grammar school education or its equivalent, including the pupils in direct grant schools; and what estimate has been made of the number of school children in each area expressed as a percentage of the population in those areas that could take the grammar school course with advantage if extra accommodation existed.

Sir E. Boyle

I am writing to the hon. Member giving him the information asked for in the first two parts of the Question. It would be impossible to make the estimate asked for in the third part of the Question.

Mr. McKay

The hon. Gentleman said yesterday that in Northumberland there were vacant places which could not be filled. Could he tell me how many vacant places there are in the grammar schools in the county, and whether the existence of these vacant places is due to the fact that the teachers already have too many scholars to teach, or that parents will not send their children to grammar schools; or is it because of their inability in Northumberland to pay the fees?

Sir E. Boyle

We discussed this matter early this morning. There is no absolutely consistent description of a grammar school course, and I think the hon. Member should await the letter I am writing.

15 and 16. Mr. McKay

asked the Minister of Education (1) how many free places the Northumberland Education Committee are providing in private boarding schools, and how many in county boarding schools; what is the average cost to the local education authority of providing a place in a boarding school; and what is the average income of the parents of those who are getting the free places;

(2) how many parents of pupils having places assigned to local education authorities in boarding schools in Northumberland are paying fees; what is the lowest fee, the highest fee, and the average amount being paid; what is the lowest, the highest and the average income of the parents of these children; and what are the occupations in general of those parents who are paying fees to the Northumberland local education authority.

Sir E. Boyle

My right hon. Friend does not receive returns which would enable him to answer these Questions.