HC Deb 30 July 1958 vol 592 c1359
45. Mr. Peyton

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he will give a list of those maritime countries which have not yet ratified the International Convention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by Oil; and if he will consult with the Governments of those countries in order to secure their support for this Convention.

Mr. Neave

With permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the countries which sent delegates to the International Conference held in London in 1954 but which have not so far ratified the Convention. Action has already been taken to try to secure further ratifications.

Mr. Peyton

May I ask whether my hon. Friend will do his utmost to persuade those most unhelpful countries to stop encouraging these filthy habits on the high seas? May I ask whether he agrees that the fact that none of the flags-of-convenience countries have so far ratified this Convention justifies a great deal of the harsh things which have been said about them? Does not he think it odd that the United States, with her maritime position, should ask other countries to fulfil the terms of a Convention in her territorial waters which she has not signed herself?

Mr. Neave

I appreciate a great deal of what my hon. Friend says. Through the Foreign Office we are doing everything we can to stimulate action by the countries which have not yet ratified the Convention. This question of oil pollution is a serious matter, and I sympathise with what my hon. Friend has said.

Mr. Awbery

In view of the fact that the United States is one country which has not signed the International Convention, will the hon. Gentleman make a special appeal to that country so that it may become an example to those who have not signed?

Mr. Neave

We are doing that at the moment.

Following is the information: Countries which sent delegations to the International Conference on Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, but which, as at 26th July, 1958, had not ratified the Convention: Australia, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Finland, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liberia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States of America, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia.
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