HC Deb 23 July 1958 vol 592 c419
48. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation how many officers have been recruited for enforcement work in connection with the Road and Rail Traffic Acts since an increase in their number was decided upon; what is the total number now engaged on such work; and how far short it falls of full establishment.

Mr. Nugent

The number of staff permanently assigned to enforcement of the Road Traffic Acts has been increased from 63 in 1956 to 95 at the present time. By September, I hope there will be a full complement of 100 examiners in post. In addition, the number of driving and traffic examiners is being increased by a competition now in progress, and we expect that from the end of this year we can release an average of about 50 of these examiners from driving tests to help on enforcement work.

Mr. Ernest Davies

While I am grateful for the increase, at long last, in the number of enforcement officers, may I ask the Minister if he is aware that only last week the Metropolitan licensing authority, in revoking two licences, stated that unless this breaking of the law, which was considerably on the increase, came to an end, it would be necessary to take further steps against it? In other words, is not there evidence from the licensing authorities of widespread infringement of the statutory Regulations?

Mr. Nugent

I have never contended that there is not infringement. There is infringement, and that is why we have a system of enforcement. I welcome the authority responsible for enforcement imposing more stringent punishment, where it thinks it necessary, to have a deterrent effect.