HC Deb 23 July 1958 vol 592 c408
42. Mr. Langford-Holt

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation why omnibus stops in the London area are located within areas covered by areas forbidding loading and unloading.

Mr. Nugent

Bans on loading and unloading in London do not apply to the picking up or setting down of passengers and so do not directly affect the siting of bus stops. If my hon. Friend considers any bus stops in such areas could be better sited, I will be glad to have the matter investigated.

Mr. Langford-Holt

Having decided that it is necessary to have parking restriction signs, which define the "No Waiting" periods, and then having found that at certain busy intersections it was necessary to superimpose on these the "No Loading or Unloading" signs, and having put a great red ball on top in order to impress us with it, is not it absolute nonsense to have both the biggest and the most numerous vehicles, which cause the greatest amount of obstruction at these intersections, loading and unloading, whether goods or persons, at the most crowded spots?

Mr. Nugent

If my hon. Friend reads my Answer in HANSARD, he will see that I have already told him that bus stops do not come within the prohibition. If he thinks that any bus stop is wrongly sited, I shall be very glad to have a look at it.