HC Deb 17 July 1958 vol 591 cc1413-4
9. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will make a further statement on the flooding of farmland in Yorkshire, following the inspections by the drainage engineers.

Mr. Godber

Our officers are engaged in a survey of the crop damage in the flooded area, and when this has been completed my right hon. Friend will write to the hon. Member. As regards the cause of the floods and possible remedial measures, there is nothing I can add at this stage to the Answer given to the hon. Member by my right hon. Friend on Thursday last.

Mr. Jeger

Would the Minister see that the Departmental engineers are instructed to contact the local branches of the N.F.U., who are profoundly dissatisfied with the reply given by his right hon. Friend last week when I first raised the question? Is he aware of the contention by the N.F.U. that a far greater acreage has been flooded and far more crops have been damaged than the Minister gave credit for last week?

Mr. Godber

We are having full reports prepared, but if the N.F.U. has any evidence, we shall be very glad indeed to receive it.

Mr. T. Williams

Will the Minister satisfy the House that his Department has not withheld grants which might have helped to prevent this recent flooding from taking place?

Mr. Godber

The Question deals with an area in Yorkshire. As far as I am aware, we have withheld no grant for that area which has aggravated the problem.

12. Mr. Kimball

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will consider providing extra credit facilities for farmers who have suffered damage in the recent severe flooding; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Godber

My right hon. Friend has given urgent consideration to the very serious problems posed for those affected by this flooding and he is instructing my Ministry's officers in the areas affected to assist those in temporary need by providing, where they consider it justifiable, essential supplies on credit under the Agricultural Goods and Services Scheme on as favourable terms as the Scheme allows.

Mr. Kimball

Is my hon. Friend aware that, after the rather depressing Answer given last week on this subject, his reply will be very welcome in the distressed areas of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire? Is he further aware that we are very grateful to him for his personal visit at the weekend to see the damage? However, can he explain to us exactly what the farmers can get under the Goods and Services Scheme? To whom does it apply, and what rate of interest will they have to pay? Is he aware that to people who have lost all their crops even the present Bank Rate is very high?

Mr. Godber

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his comments. The Goods and Services Scheme applies to practically all the goods which farmers require except buildings and livestock. Farmers should apply to the divisional office of my Ministry in their own areas. As to the interest terms, the present rate, I am afraid, is 7 per cent., but it is being reduced tomorrow to 6¼ per cent., and I hope that will be helpful.

Mr. T. Williams

Does what the Parliamentary Secretary has said cover farmers who have lost practically all their cereal crops, potatoes, peas and so on? Will the Goods and Services Scheme enable them to re-sow or re-plant what they have already lost or to make up for what they have lost?

Mr. Godber

The intention is to help them as far as we can. For this year it is too late to re-plant. We shall do all we possibly can to help as far as we are able to do under the Scheme.