HC Deb 07 July 1958 vol 591 c8
16. Mr. G. Jeger asked the Paymaster

-General whether, in view of the divergent opinions on the value of opencast coal mining, he will arrange for hon. Members who are interested to be shown opencast operations and restored sites in their regions.

Mr. Maudling

The National Coal Board has told me that it will be glad to arrange for such visits by hon. Members if they will approach the Chairman of the Board.

Mr. Jeger

Does the Paymaster-General mean that we should approach him individually or in regional groups? It is obviously preferable for hon. Members to go round in groups rather than individually, which means repeating the same trips over and over again.

Mr. Maudling

I am not sure how far each hon. Member is gregarious in this matter, but the National Coal Board will be glad to do all it can to help. Clearly it would be much more convenient to the Board if hon. Members would go in groups.

Mr. G. Brown

However the groups are chosen, will the right hon. Gentleman arrange that their first trip is to Derbyshire to see how opencast coal mining has ruined and is ruining that county?

Mr. Maudling

That is what is sometimes called a loaded supplementary.