HC Deb 03 July 1958 vol 590 cc1567-9
27. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies to what extent his Department exercises a co-ordinating function in respect of the welfare and placing of students in this country from Colonial Territories, particularly in respect of student nurses and nurses; and whether efforts are still being made to ensure suitable girls from Hong Kong, Singapore and elsewhere for training as nurses in this country.

Mr. Profumo

The Students Branch of my Department is responsible for the placing of colonial students in universities and teacher training colleges in the United Kingdom. It also exercises a general co-ordination function through the Overseas Students Co-ordinating Committee. On this Committee, which is concerned with welfare and other matters affecting students, the British Council and the Heads of the Students Departments of Overseas Governments in London are represented.

Candidates for nursing training have, since 1954, made their own arrangements direct with matrons of hospitals, with the advice and assistance of local committees set up for this purpose in the territories concerned. This procedure is working well and there is no dearth of suitable candidates from Hong Kong, Singapore and elsewhere.

Mr. Sorensen

I am gratified to hear the last part of the hon. Gentleman's reply, but is he satisfied that this co-ordination is really taking place quite harmoniously between this Government and various other Governments? Secondly, can he say what has become of the committee for the welfare of colonial students in this country set up some years ago but, apparently, now no longer existing?

Mr. Profumo

The welfare of students is the concern of the British Council and the Students Branch of my Department. I think I can readily give the undertaking asked for in the first part of the hon. Gentleman's question.

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