HC Deb 03 July 1958 vol 590 cc1565-6
22. Mr. Sydney Irving

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what consideration has been given to the establishment in Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika of co-operative unions which shall undertake in increasing measure, for each of these territories as a whole, the work of promoting, supervising and guiding the co-operative societies hitherto carried on by the registrars and their staffs.

Mr. Profumo

Encouragement will be given to the formation of such unions on a territory-wide basis when there is an expressed desire for them by members of the societies in the territories.

23. Mr. Sydney Irving

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what provision is made for present or prospective leaders of co-operative organisations in African territories, as distinct from officials of Government co-operative departments, to receive training in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Profumo

Organised training for present and prospective leaders of co-operative organisations is provided at the Co-operative College, Loughborough. Training facilities have also been provided by certain co-operative organisations in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Irving

Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that only by developing leaders from within the movement can a strong independent movement be developed? Can he give an assurance that the same facilities will be given to these leaders for the same encouragement and training as is given to Government officers at present?

Mr. Profumo

Yes, Sir. I can give that undertaking.