HC Deb 30 January 1958 vol 581 c506
36. Mr. D. Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies by what means the responsible authorities in Dominica made known the fact to all eligible persons on the island that an electoral roll was in course of preparation.

Mr. Profumo

In addition to house-to-house inquiries by enumerators as required by law, registration procedure was given publicity in the Press, by religious denominations and at public meetings held for the purpose.

Mr. Jones

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that, despite that fact, a very high proportion of those eligible were left off the last register, and that protests in regard to this have been sent to the Governor by both political organisations and individuals on the island? If the same register is to be used for the Federal election later this year, will not a large number of Dominicans be unable to take part in that election?

Mr. Profumo

I am satisfied, as is also my right hon. Friend, that the roll is adequate. As I explained to the right hon. Member for Middlesbrough, East (Mr. Marquand) on 19th December, there was ample opportunity for the relatively small number of omissions to be rectified.

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