HC Deb 17 February 1958 vol 582 cc851-2
43. Mr. Palmer

asked the Paymaster-General if he will state the membership and the terms of reference of the committee to be set up by the Government to consider the improvement of co-operation between area electricity and gas boards.

Sir I. Horobin

My noble Friend is not yet in a position to make an announcement about this committee, but hopes to do so at an early date.

Mr. Palmer

Would the hon. Gentleman care to say if his noble Friend is bearing in mind the importance of appointing to this committee some representatives of the consumers?

Sir I. Horobin

I think the hon. Gentleman should await the composition of the committee. [An HON. MEMBER: "It is too late."] That would not be the first time hon. Gentlemen opposite have been too late.

Mr. Robens

May I ask the hon. Gentleman, in view of the fact that the committee is to report on joint working operations, which will affect the livelihood of very many workers in these industries, whether he proposes to have representatives of the trade union concerned upon this committee of inquiry or, alternatively, to invite them to give evidence?

Sir I. Horobin

This is primarily a commercial matter. It is primarily a question of how far in their activities, if at all, these two fuel industries can save money by eliminating useless competition. Therefore, I think it is not necessarily desirable that every conceivable interest should be represented, but I will certainly see that the observations of the right hon. Gentleman are brought to the attention of my noble Friend.

Mr. Robens

Does that reply mean that matters like joint meter readers and joint accountancy are not to be considered by this committee, only purely commercial matters such as contracts, buying and things of that kind?

Sir I. Horobin

No, I would not like to be misunderstood. Such matters as the right hon. Gentleman has mentioned, which are a part of the commercial running of these industries, would certainly be relevant.

Mr. Shinwell

Do some of the hon. Gentleman's propaganda answers indicate that he is now going to replace his noble Friend the Lord President of the Council?

Sir I. Horobin

I would like notice of that question.

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