HC Deb 13 February 1958 vol 582 cc541-2
4. Mr. Brockway

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations to what extent coal has been found in Swaziland; for what purpose it is intended to use the coal; what companies are prospecting for coal; and to which companies concessions have been granted.

Mr. Alport

Coal deposits have been found over a large area in eastern Swaziland but investigation is not yet complete. The use of the coal when mined would be a matter for the concerns mining it. The Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co., Ltd. and Central Mining and Investment Corporation Ltd. are prospecting for coal. Permits for prospecting purposes, where these are necessary, have been granted to Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co., Ltd., Central Mining and Investment Corporation, Ltd., South African H.E. Proprietary, Ltd., and Mineral Holdings, Ltd.

Mr. Brockway

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that there is very deep apprehension in Swaziland that the concessions which may be given to these Johannesburg companies may repeat in Swaziland the appalling conditions which exist in Johannesburg? Will he, as the Minister in his Department, see that the best possible conditions are obtained for the African workers there?

Mr. Alport

The hon. Gentleman can be assured that it will be the continuing duty of the Swaziland Government to ensure that the conditions of work when mining is begun—none has so far taken place—are such as will meet with the approval of this House.

Mr. P. Williams

Would not my hon. Friend agree that development in Swaziland is particularly difficult because of the absence of adequate communications of a road or rail nature? Is it not important, from this country's point of view, to see that these communications are developed as soon as possible?

Mr. Alport

We fully agree with the importance of developing communications in Swaziland, and the appointment of Sir Arthur Griffin to investigate that matter is an indication of the importance attached to the problem.