HC Deb 10 February 1958 vol 582 c10
9. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the percentage of uninspected meat passing through slaughterhouses and becoming available for human consumption at the last convenient date in 1953.

Mr. Godber

Except for some pigs at bacon factories, all meat was inspected prior to decontrol.

Mr. Hayman

Does not the Parliamentary Secretary consider that the position today is most unsatisfactory if in 1953 practically 100 per cent. of the meat was inspected before consumption whereas today 20 per cent. of it is not inspected?

Mr. Godber

I have never attempted to disguise the fact that I would like there to be 100 per cent. meat inspection as soon as possible, but I think it is relevant to remind the House that there is considerably more meat to be inspected today. It did not take long to inspect the 8d. meat ration that we had at one time.