HC Deb 06 February 1958 vol 581 cc1336-7
20. Mrs. L. Jeger

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many veterinary surgeons are employed by his Department in connection with the enforcement of regulations concerning animals used for laboratory experiments.

Mr. Renton

None, Sir.

Mrs. Jeger

Can the Minister tell us who is responsible for carrying out these regulations concerning the protection of animals? How can he be satisfied that adequate protection is being given if not a single veterinary surgeon is employed by the Home Office?

Mr. Renton

As I understand it, the duties of the inspectors whom we employ are not confined to watching over the welfare of experimental animals. It is also their duty to advise on applications for licences and certificates within the limits set by the Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876. We have an advisory committee and since 1952 a veterinarian has been a member of it.

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