HC Deb 05 February 1958 vol 581 c1163
11. Mr. J. Harrison

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he will give a firm date for the commencement of work on the trunk roads leading to and from the new Clifton Bridge, Nottingham, in view of the fact that the new bridge will be completed within the next month or so.

Mr. Nugent

We have published a draft Order under the Trunk Roads Act, 1946, to establish the line of a new trunk road between Clifton Boulevard (A.614) and Lings Bar (A.606). When this Order can be made we shall invite the City Council and the County Council to proceed with detailed preparation of the scheme for a trunk road link on the line laid down in the Order. I cannot at this stage say when we will be able to start the constructional work.

Mr. Harrison

The hon. Member will recognise the urgency of connecting this bridge with the trunk roads. Will he take as an illustration of that urgency the fact that Nottingham City Corporation has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on making the connections possible by building a new approach and packing up the roads leading from the bridge towards the trunk roads?

Mr. Nugent

I realise that the city has made great progress. As the hon. Member knows, we are making inquiries now for the preparatory work to proceed. As soon as that is in hand, we can give this a high priority in our future programmes.