HC Deb 16 December 1958 vol 597 cc932-3
31. Mr. Reynolds

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what savings he has made in the cost of running his Department in the current year, as compared with 1956–57, by improved efficiency and the use of new techniques.

Mr. H. Brooke

The cost of running my Department in the current year will be more than in 1956–57, after taking account of certain pay and other cost increases applicable to the whole Civil Service. The increase would have been larger if the organisation and efficiency of the Department had not been kept under constant review. Despite increased work and a particularly heavy burden of legislation, the number of staff employed has been reduced by 27 over the past year or so.

Mr. Reynolds

Is the Minister aware that a reduction in staff of 27 represents hardly any saving at all as compared with the total cost of running his Department? As the right hon. Gentleman has not answered my question as to the exact saving, by what right does he say to local authorities that they can avert increases in expenditure and avoid them falling on the rates due to the operation of the block grant by making savings of this nature?

Mr. Brooke

Surely, the hon. Member knows that it is not possible to quantify every single saving. Since 1956–57, however, we have abolished our regional organisation, which cost£109,000 a year, we have introduced mechanisation into the accounts branch, we have introduced a new decentralised registry system, and we are constantly on the lookout for possibilities of savings in cost.