HC Deb 16 December 1958 vol 597 cc934-5
Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether he will request Sir Arton Wilson, who is to conduct an inquiry on his behalf into the nature and extent of the use of caravans as residential accommodation, to include within his inquiry the special problem of the Romany caravan dwellers.

Mr. Bevins

No, Sir. As the hon. Member indicates, the Romany caravan dwellers are a special class and my right hon. Friend does not think that they create problems which require a national investigation. In any event, I am afraid it could only complicate and prolong Sir Arton Wilson's investigation to include them and that my right hon. Friend is not willing to do.

Mr. Beswick

I am bound to say that I am rather surprised at that answer. As the hon. Gentleman is aware, the local authorities throughout West Middlesex who asked to see him on the special problem of the itinerant caravan dweller have been told that no purpose can be served in seeing him because the inquiry is to be conducted by Sir Arton Wilson. Surely, the hon. Gentleman is ignoring the problem which the local authorities have brought before him.

Mr. Bevins

I do not agree. The major problem with which the House is concerned is the normal caravan problem rather than the gipsy problem. The inquiry would only be complicated and prolonged if it were extended in the way suggested.

34. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether, in the course of his inquiry into the use of caravans as residential accommodation, Sir Arton Wilson will be taking evidence from local authorities; what invitations are being sent to such local authorities; and when the invitations will be sent.

Mr. Bevins

I understand that Sir Arton Wilson proposes to invite evidence from local authorities and my right hon. Friend would prefer to leave the arrangements in his hands.

Mr. Beswick

Will the Parliamentary Secretary say how his right hon. Friend proposes to deal with this other difficult problem of the Romany or itinerant caravan dweller, which constitutes such a nuisance, especially on the outskirts of the Metropolis? Is the Minister simply shirking the issue, or does he propose to do anything about it?

Mr. Bevins

My right hon. Friend is not shirking the issue. We want to confine the inquiry to the major problem. The Romany problem is not a national one but varies from area to area.