HC Deb 17 April 1958 vol 586 cc331-2
15. Mr. Collins

asked the President of the Board of Trade what representations he has received in respect of an increase in the duty on imported tomatoes.

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

Two applications for increases in the import duties on fresh tomatoes have been accepted for examination, one relating to the month of May and the other to the period mid-June to the end of October. There are many interested parties all of whose representations should and will receive full consideration.

Mr. Collins

In considering this matter, will the Minister bear particularly in mind that the duty of 4d. a lb. becomes 6d. a lb. in the shops, that it is a considerable protection to the home producer and that any further increase in duty would be a totally unjustifiable increase in the cost of living?

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

There have been representations from nine different bodies and I have no doubt that these views were expressed amongst them.

Sir J. Duncan

Will my hon. Friend take steps to take a decision speedily on this matter, in view of the fact that the application is in respect of next month?

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

My hon. Friend probably understands that this application for duty is not just in relation to the month of May, 1958, but is in relation to all months of May in all subsequent years, and needs considerable consideration.

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