HC Deb 16 April 1958 vol 586 cc145-6
17. Mr. Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what evidence he has received of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Germany; how many troops have been withdrawn and how many now remain in Eastern Germany; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

On 6th January the Soviet authorities announced that 41,000 Soviet troops would be withdrawn from East Germany. Members of the British Military Mission to the Soviet forces in Germany have, by invitation, attended ten farewell parades in which some 6,000 Soviet troops were involved The Mission has been informed that other farewell parades are taking place to which it would not be invited. It is estimated that there are about twenty-two Soviet line divisions in East Germany and that the total strength of their forces there is about 350,000.

Mr. Lewis

May I take it from that reply that the Minister is not in a position to say how many troops were withdrawn? Do I understand him to say that a farewell ceremony took place for only about 6,000? What is the total number of which he knows? Has he no definite information on this matter?

Mr. Lloyd

We know definitely of 6,000, but we also know that there have been other farewell parades. We therefore draw the conclusion that other troops have also gone.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Does the Foreign Secretary realise that it would be a most popular thing if this Government were to have a farewell parade?

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