HC Deb 03 April 1958 vol 585 c1361
19. Mrs. L. Jeger

asked the Minister of Education why Mercers' School, Holborn, is not eligible for direct grant-aid; and what proposals he has for making good this loss of 300 school places.

Sir E. Boyle

When the direct-grant list was reopened, my right hon. Friend's predecessor made it clear that he had in mind the admission of only a limited number of schools of a high educational standard. Mercers School did not reach the very high standard set. The boys in the school come from a wide area containing a very large number of schools and there should be no difficulty in placing them.

Mrs. Jeger

Can the Minister say whether Any proposals have been submitted by the school which might enable him to look at the matter again, or must the question now be regarded as closed?

Sir E. Boyle

My right hon. Friend is not in any way responsible for the closing of this school; it was the governors' decision. As a piece of background information, I can say that only ten schools have been admitted to the direct grant list since it was reopened, and these schools have all been of quite exceptional quality.