HC Deb 30 October 1957 vol 575 c206
42. Mr. B. Harrison

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he is aware of the condition of the temporary bridge at Fullbridge, Maldon; and when work will commence on the new bridge in order that the difficult and dangerous diversion can be done away with.

Mr. Nugent

Essex County Council has applied to us for a grant towards this scheme, but I am unable to say when we can authorise it.

Mr. Harrison

Will my hon. Friend please look at this matter again? Is he aware that it is only the skill of bus and lorry drivers who use the bridge that prevents very many nasty accidents, and that the condition of the bridge is a great inconvenience and danger to people living in the borough?

Mr. Nugent

I know that it is a bad spot, but I am afraid that it still will have to wait its turn.

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