HC Deb 28 November 1957 vol 578 c1264
26. Mr. E. Fletcher

asked the Minister of Education how many new technical colleges have been started since the publication of the White Paper on Technical Education in February, 1956.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

Eighteen new colleges and 79 major extensions of existing colleges.

Mr. Fletcher

I am sure that the whole House will welcome that. [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."] May we also have an assurance from the Minister that this ambitious programme, which aroused such enthusiasm in February of last year, is being carried through with the necessary impetus to ensure the earliest possible success?

Mr. Lloyd

I think so, because in addition to what I think are the quite impressive figures that I have given to the House, final plans for five more new colleges and 17 further major extensions of a total value of £5 million have been approved, although work on them has not actually started. We have already prepared sketch plans for a further 14 new colleges and 28 major extensions, to the value of over £8 million.