HC Deb 25 November 1957 vol 578 c793
22. Sir P. Agnew

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will state the progress of the negotiations between the Severn River Board and the British Transport Commission for a scheme to deal with erosion by the River Severn.

Mr. Amory

Discussions on this difficult problem are still going on, and my right hon. Friend the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation and I are doing what we can to help those concerned to find a solution.

Sir P. Agnew

I thank my right hon. Friend for that reply, but in view of the very long time that these negotiations have been proceeding, during which time erosion has been proceeding with accumulating severity, can he say how much longer it will be before the farmers in the riparian counties—particularly Worcestershire—hear of some alleviation of the present very unsatisfactory conditions?

Mr. Amory

As my hon. Friend knows, the difficulty is a division of responsibilities in this matter. There is no direct action that I can take there, but a further meeting is being held within the next few days, and I hope that an agreement is not too far off.