HC Deb 21 November 1957 vol 578 c548
23. Mr. Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the figures given in the White Paper on Offences of Drunkenness which show an increase of convictions for the year 1956 of nearly 10 per cent., and the increase in drunkenness among young people, he will use the resources of his Department to initiate a national campaign calling attention to the need for greater educational efforts by all responsible bodies to counteract this tendency in our national life.

Mr. R. A. Butler

I share the hon. Member's concern, though it is only fair to say that the number of convictions remains proportionately small. As regards educational measures, the Ministry of Education's pamphlet on health education draws attention to the need for good sense and self-control in the use of alcohol, the Service Departments have advised those concerned with the welfare of the Forces to take all appropriate opportunities of emphasising the virtue of moderation in drinking, and similar advice is given by some of the main voluntary youth organisations.

Mr. Gibson

I am obliged to the Home Secretary for his sympathy, but is he aware that the Ministry of Education circular, which used to be used in schools on this subject, has been very seriously modified until it is now almost no use at all? Will he take up the matter with his right hon. Friend with a view to the original unmodified circular being reintroduced?

Mr. Butler

I will certainly look at that suggestion and consult my right hon. Friend.