HC Deb 13 November 1957 vol 577 cc931-2
8. Mr. Collins

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation how many local authorities have adopted the practice of painting "Halt" on the road surface adjacent to halt signs; and to what extent it has proved of value in reducing the accident rate.

Mr. Nugent

The word "Halt" painted on the carriageway is not a prescribed traffic sign, and there are no figures as to the extent of its use. I have, however, asked the Road Research Laboratory to compare results where it is used with those where it is not.

Mr. Collins

Is the Minister aware that, where it has been used, it has been found that the accident rate has been lowered, presumably because drivers who may miss the conventional sign cannot very well miss a large painted sign? Will he pursue his inquiries, and if it is found that this reduces the accident rate will he commend it as a general practice to local authorities?

Mr. Nugent

Depending on the answer that we get from the Road Research Laboratory, the answer is "Yes".

21. Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether, for the general convenience of road users, not least those coming from abroad, he will make it the rule that where there is a sign indicating a town, the mileage to that town shall also be shown.

Mr. Nugent

The new Regulations, which came into force last March, permit the mileage to be shown on several classes of signs. I hope the responsible highway authorities will bring their signs up to date in this respect as soon as possible.

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