HC Deb 27 May 1957 vol 571 cc18-9
26. Viscount Hinchingbrooke

asked the Minister of Supply how many rocket fighters SR.53 have been ordered for the Royal Air Force; and whether it has now been decided to continue with supersonic fighter projects.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

None, Sir. The SR.53 has not yet reached the state of development at which a production order would be appropriate.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Is the Minister aware that, whereas the White Paper on Defence recently accepted by the House was quite specific on the question of non-requirement by the R.A.F. for an advanced supersonic fighter, there was silence on the subject of any requirements by the Royal Navy? If it is even intended to issue an order to the Royal Navy, will a formal statement be made to that effect?

Mr. Jones

Yes, Sir. Paragraph 62 of the White Paper specifically referred to the R.A.F. It did not exclude a supersonic fighter for the Navy, and this fighter might well, in fact, be the one to be determined on. If that is the case, then certainly a statement will be made.