HC Deb 06 May 1957 vol 569 cc621-2
27. Mr. Blenkinsop

asked the Paymaster-General what action is being taken to avoid the destruction of the natural beauty of the coastline of Great Britain when planning the siting and construction of new atomic power stations.

Mr. Maudling

The earliest possible consultation takes place with the local and central planning authorities concerned. In addition, the various amenity bodies are consulted about a proposed site and the Minister may order a public inquiry to be held.

Mr. Blenkinsop

Does not the right hon. Gentleman feel that this is a suitable subject on which to set up some form of central inquiry so as to establish that no permanent damage is done to the coastline, as many people and both Houses of Parliament fear?

Mr. Maudling

A number of excellent bodies are in being whose object is to protect the amenities of the countryside. We are trying to take account of their advice and views at every possible stage.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, in general, what happens is that the public authority works first of all through the landowners in question with very persuasive arguments adduced, and then through the local planning committees, and that these bodies are not formidable enough to stop the outrageous spoliation of the countryside which is now taking place?

Mr. Maudling

These local bodies do an excellent job. I cannot accept my hon. Friend's suggestion that there is outrageous spoliation. We do all we can to reduce damage to amenities, but if the country wants to have power on a large scale it must have power stations and transmission.

Air Commodore Harvey

Are there not far too many bodies dealing with this matter? Would it not be far better for the Government to take more interest in, for example, the oil refinery at Fawley, as one of the projects ruining the British coastline? Would my right hon. Friend ensure that the interests of beauty will be taken more into account?

Mr. Maudling

We cannot restrict the number of voluntary bodies. It is our duty, which we are trying to carry out, to consult all the responsible bodies interested in these matters.