HC Deb 28 March 1957 vol 567 cc1311-2

Table of Fees, page 265, line 15, leave out "£ 3 18s. 9d." and insert "£ 4 14s. 6d.".

Line 16, leave out "1s. 3d." and insert "1s. 6d.".

The Amendments in Schedule (A) are of a drafting nature. The Amendments in Schedule (B) are designed to bring the fees to be taken by the shorthand writer into line with present-day rates, and they have been agreed to by the Treasury. Similar Amendments to the Standing Order are being moved in another place.

Major Legge-Bourke

Could the Chairman of Ways and Means explain the meaning of the Amendment to Standing Order 220, in line 88, to leave out "6" and to insert "10"?

The Chairman of Ways and Means

The original Bill referred to in the Standing Order was the London County Council (Finance Consolidation) Act, 1912. When its place was taken by the London County Council Loans Act, 1955, what was Section 6 in the old Act should have been altered at the same time to Section 10 in the new Act.

Question put and agreed to.

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