HC Deb 27 March 1957 vol 567 c1201

Amendments made: In page 12, line 1, leave out from "apply)" to end of line 2 and insert: (2) As respects grant, renewal or continuance otherwise than for a term of more than twenty-one years, and as respects assignment of a tenancy granted, renewed or continued after the commencement of this Act, subsection (7) of section twelve of the Act of 1920 (which excludes from the Rent Acts tenancies where the rent is less than two-thirds of the rateable value) shall be disregarded for the purposes of the foregoing subsection.

In line 4, leave out "last foregoing subsection" and insert "foregoing subsections".

In line 5, leave out "it applies" and insert "they apply".

In line 7, leave out "last foregoing subsection "and insert: subsection (1) of this section".—[Mr. H. Brooke.]