HC Deb 25 March 1957 vol 567 cc794-5
37. Mrs. Castle

asked the Minister of Health what instructions he has given to regional hospital boards to provide facilities for spastic cases in their areas.

Mr. Vosper

No special instructions have been given since the full range of hospital services under the National Health Service is available to these patients as to others and they receive the treatment required by their condition.

Mrs. Castle

Is it not time that such instructions were given'? Is not the Minister aware that numbers of us have had tragic cases in our constituencies of spastics who are becoming beyond the capacity of their parents to manage, but when one appeals to regional hospital boards one receives an answer such as a constituent of mine received the other day from the Manchester Regional Hospital Board to the effect that the Board has no facilities in the region for spastics as such? Is not this a grave gap in the National Health Service, and will not the right hon. Gentleman issue instructions now?

Mr. Vosper

I have had the problem of spastics in my mind for a number of years. The point in the original reply is that no instruction to deal with spastics separately from other patients has been issued or should be issued, but as for the question of providing facilities for them in the regional hospital board area, if I can examine that particular case I will do so.

Mr. Blenkinsop

Will the Minister look into this rather specially, because there is some anxiety in the country about the facilities, especially for the adolescent spastics, after some care may have been provided, with the help of education funds, for the younger spastics? There is a problem about the change-over from the child to the adolescent.

Mr. Vosper

Yes. I intend to continue my regard and concern for the spastics.