HC Deb 21 March 1957 vol 567 c548
40. Dr. King

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the approximate yield of Purchase Tax on musical instruments for the latest available year.

Mr. Powell

Excluding gramophones, radio-gramophones, record-players, and records, the yield from musical instruments in the calendar year 1956 was nearly £1 million.

Dr. King

Against that pitifully small sum will the Minister ask his right hon. Friend to consider, when thinking about repealing this tax, that it is a disincentive to real as distinct from recorded music, and that instrumentalists are the only professional men in the country who have to pay tax on the instruments by which they earn their living? Is he aware that, whereas every other country subsidises this dollar-earning industry, we are taxing it?

Mr. Powell

I do not regard £1 million as a pitifully small sum, but my right hon. Friend has noted the point made by the hon. Member.