§ 45. Mr. Woodburnasked the Prime Minister whether he will arrange for the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to assist the Ministers concerned in co-ordinating the information to be presented to the British Medical Association for the purpose of clarifying Her Majesty's Government's policy on salaries in the Health Services.
§ 47. Mr. Wadeasked the Prime Minister whether he will now make a statement on an interim adjustment of the remuneration of general medical practitioners.
55. Mrs. Hillasked the Prime Minister if he is now able to announce the names of the members of the Royal Commission on doctors' and dentists' pay.
§ 57. Mr. Emrys Hughesasked the Prime Minister if he will now state the names of the Royal Commission on doctors' remuneration.
§ The Prime Minister (Mr. Harold Macmillan)I will, with permission, answer these Questions at the end of Question Time.