HC Deb 12 March 1957 vol 566 c973
40. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what information he has to show the number of instances where adjacent local authorities now have joint housing lists, as in Essex, to meet certain categories of applicants; and to what extent this is being effective.

Mr. H. Brooke

I would refer the hon. Member to my reply of 22nd January. I may add, however, that local authorities are under no obligation to inform me when they enter into any such arrangements.

Mr. Sorensen

Of course, one is aware of that fact, but cannot the Minister please try to get as much information on this interesting development as possible, particularly in view of the fact that he did commend the scheme, initiated, I believe, by the East Ham authority? Ought he not to try and follow it up and recommend it?

Mr. Brooke

There was a recommendation in the valuable Report of the Central Housing Advisory Committee not so very long ago. I am not anxious to be constantly asking local authorities to give me further information, but I imagine that the hon. Gentleman's Question will once again draw this scheme to the attention of local authorities which might make further use of it.