HC Deb 06 March 1957 vol 566 cc327-8
5. Mr. P. Noel-Baker

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will publish the statements made by the Governments of the United States of America and France at the meeting of the representatives of these countries and the United Kingdom on 29th October, 1956, by which these Governments agreed that the Tripartite Declaration was no longer applicable to an attack by Israel on Egypt.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

No, Sir.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does the Foreign Secretary recall that the Government have told us on four occasions recently, including last week, that the United States has agreed that the Tripartite Declaration was not applicable to Egypt? Does he also recall that only a few months before the meetings on 28th and 29th October, the then Prime Minister went to Washington to decide how the Tripartite Declaration could be implemented in respect of all the countries of the Middle East, and that the President called these meetings to implement the pledges then given? Does he not understand that no one can believe what the Government say unless the statement of the United States is published?

Mr. Lloyd

The right hon. Gentleman is very ready to think evil, but the facts are as they have been stated—that, at that time and in those circumstances, in view of the statements repeatedly made by the Government of Egypt about not accepting the implications of the Tripartite Declaration, it was not considered applicable in the event of an attack by Israel on Egypt.

Mr. A. Henderson

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman clarify that statement? Is he now saying that in future, so far as the United States Government are concerned, they consider that the provisions of the 1950 Declaration are applicable to all the countries of the Middle East, including Egypt?

Mr. Lloyd

There is a Question on the Tripartite Declaration on the Order Paper for answer later.

Mr. Bevan

Are we to understand that an attack by Israel on Egypt does not invoke the Tripartite Declaration, because Egypt does not consider that she is affected by it, and do we understand that if Egypt attacks Israel a similar interpretation will be placed on it? If so, what on earth is the Declaration about?

Mr. Lloyd

I have never said anything of the sort. As I have said, we still regard the Tripartite Declaration as applicable to an attack upon Israel. We also think that the Declaration is applicable to an attack by Israel upon certain other countries, but Egypt has deliberately said that she does not wish to receive any benefits from the Declaration, as she cannot accept the interference with her sovereignty which that would involve. There is another aspect of the Declaration, dealing with arms control, which we consider is applicable to the deliveries of arms to all the countries.