§ 20. Sir J. Hutchisonasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make a statement on the action of the Hungarian authorities on 25th February at the British Legation in Budapest; and whether any British subjects were arrested.
§ Mr. Ian HarveyOn 25th February, uniformed and plain clothes police, operating in pairs in the vicinity of Her Majesty's Legation, Budapest, took away for questioning about one hundred and fifty persons, the majority of whom had visited the Legation. No advance notice of this action was given. The Legation was not cordoned off nor, as far as is known, were any British subjects involved.
§ Sir J. HutchisonAccording to the reply which my hon. Friend has 344 given, so far as is known no British subject was involved. Surely that needs some further investigation. Does not the action taken by the Hungarian authorities represent an infringement of diplomatic immunities and practice?
§ Mr. HarveyThe Hungarian Minister in London was requested to call at the Foreign Office on 28th February and was asked to obtain an explanation of the action of the Hungarian Government. That he undertook to do. He was also informed that Her Majesty's Government hoped that the action would not be continued or repeated. No reply has yet been received to these representations. I shall be happy to inform my hon. Friend when it is.