HC Deb 05 June 1957 vol 571 cc1233-5
51. Mr. Braine

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation how many fatal and non-fatal accidents have taken place in the known danger spot on the London Road, Hadleigh, Essex, near the junction of Woodfield Road. in 1955, 1956 and 1957, respectively; what advice was given by his Department to the highway authority; when this advice was first given; what decision has now been made; and when the necessary works will be started.

Mr. Nugent

In 1955, there was one fatal accident and two involving personal injury. In 1956, there was one fatal accident and one involving personal injury. Both fatalities were to pedestrians. There have been no accidents involving death or personal injury during 1957. The county council, as highway authority, was advised in August last year to hold a census of pedestrians, and in October to consider the provision of an island refuge. The county council has, however, decided not to provide one.

Mr. Braine

There have already been two deaths at this point, and the matter was raised with the county council, as the highway authority, well over a year ago. Nothing has been done, in spite of advice given by my right hon. Friend's Departmental officers, and a decision has now been reached to put in a pedestrian crossing. Might I ask that it should be done with the greatest expedition, in order to avoid the accidents which otherwise will occur as summer traffic down the Southend Road increases?

Mr. Nugent

We shall be very ready too expedite the fixing of the island there if the local highway authority has agreed to do it, and to do anything else we can.

Mr. Lipton

Will the Joint Parliamentary Secretary pay a little more attention to the representations of his hon. Friend the Member for Essex, South-East (Mr. Braine), which seem to me to be at variance with those of the Essex County Council? Surely, the hon. Gentleman should not disregard the local knowledge of his hon. Friend in the way that he appears to be doing.

Mr. Braine

Is my hon. Friend aware that there has been a long dispute between the highway authority and the local authority? If two authorities cannot come to an agreement, surely it is the responsibility of the Minister of Transport to ensure that agreement is reached.

Mr. Nugent

We will certainly use our good offices to try to reach that agreement.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Does my hon. Friend agree that many of the unresolved questions today would be best answered in a debate, such as we have not had for some time, with possibly one day devoted to roads and another to rail and air? If my hon. Friend agrees, will he communicate his views to my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House so that a statement might be made before the Recess?

Mr. Nugent

No doubt that observation of my noble Friend will be taken note of.

Mr. Shinwell

On a point of order. In view of the fact that the 57 Questions to the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation have not all been answered, would it not be advisable that we might have two days for transport Questions?

Mr. Speaker

All these are not matters for me.

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