HC Deb 29 July 1957 vol 574 c862
32. Mr. Slater

asked the Minister of Health the number on the waiting list at the Sedgefield General Hospital to date.

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

279 on 31st May.

Mr. Slater

According to reports, there is every possibility of another ward being taken from the general hospital to provide accommodation for a new specialist service for maternity cases. If that happens, as the management committee has already given accommodation to the Stockton and Middlesbrough area for maternity cases, will not the number of people waiting for admission increase tremendously, and will not the Hardwick Hall Maternity Hospital be closed down?

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

I cannot claim the hon. Gentleman's knowledge of local conditions, but the points which he has mentioned will have to be considered by the regional board. The main and salient factor is that the waiting list has declined considerably over the last few years.

Mr. Chetwynd

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this hospital serves a very large and heavily populated area, mainly of an industrial area, and that further hospital accommodation in the region is needed, especially for industrial and maternity cases?

Mr. Vaughan-Morgan

I know something of the problems of the area from a recent visit.