HC Deb 26 July 1957 vol 574 cc800-1

Lords Amendment: In page 17, line 21, leave out "the owner" and insert "his landlord".

Mr. Renton

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

I would suggest that with this Lords Amendment the next two in lines 43 and 47 could be considered.

All three of these Amendments are really minor drafting Amendments. They carry out the intention which certainly was in our minds, and, I should have thought, would have been in the minds of hon. Gentlemen opposite as well, that, when a tenant has to get in touch with his landlord in order to decide exactly how this question of the right to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act and the various Acts relating to agricultural holdings and so on is to be dealt with under the Bill, it is the immediate landlord with whom the tenant should be concerned and not the ultimate owner of the property. As the Bill stood there was a bit of a doubt about this, but these three Amendments together will make it abundantly plain that the tenant is concerned only with getting in touch with his immediate landlord.

Question put and agreed to.

Further Lords Amendments made: In line 43, leave out "the owner and that person" and insert "that person and his landlord";

In line 47, leave out "the owner or that person" and insert "that person or his landlord".—[Mr. Renton.]