HC Deb 23 July 1957 vol 574 cc205-6
32. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland by how much and as what percentage of the sums for which authorisation was sought local authority expenditure on public cleansing was curtailed by him in 1956 on account of the restriction on capital expenditure.

Mr. J. N. Browne

Applications to incur expenditure on capital works in connection with public cleansing amounting to £163,585, or 35 per cent. of the total, were refused in 1956, but of these. applications amounting to £75,790 were authorised in 1957, so reducing the percentage of refusals from 35 to 19.

Mr. Ross

Does the Joint Under-Secretary appreciate that we need a little more than byelaws in relation to public health, but that if authorisation is forthcoming for that expenditure we might see some improvement? If the Secretary of State walked around in our large towns and seaside resorts, he would find there was very great need for improvement.