HC Deb 22 July 1957 vol 574 c18
29. Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Supply how many people are now employed at Poole small arms factory; on what date it is to be closed; what is then to be done with it; and what steps he is taking to see that those concerned obtain alternative employment.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

On 13th July, 1957, 838 people were employed at this factory. In the statement that I made on 15th July, I said that on present estimates of work available it would be necessary to close it some time in 1959–60; in the meantime, it will be my aim to find some other user for the factory.

Captain Pilkington

Will my right hon. Friend say why £40,000 has been spent on repainting this factory, refute the allegation that political prejudice has anything to do with this matter, and, finally, say whether up to date he has had any offers for this factory from other firms?

Mr. Jones

To the best of my information, £40,000 has not been spent on repainting the factory. The painting contract is for £3,000, and is being spread over two or three years. The object is to maintain the asset, as I said in answer to an earlier Question, in a condition such as to obtain the best possible selling price.

As for the charge of political prejudice, I hope I can say that I am never actuated by political prejudice. The reason for the closing of the factory is that the change in strategic conditions has made the factory unnecessary for defence purposes.

As for the last part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question, I have received one or two tentative inquiries for this factory, but I ask him not to press me, since I fear that premature publicity might prejudice negotiations.