HC Deb 18 July 1957 vol 573 c1326
25. Mr. Sydney Irving

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education what steps he has taken to appoint the Committee to consider the future of the library service as proposed in the Local Government White Paper, Command Paper 161; and what interests he proposes to have represented on the Committee.

Sir E. Boyle

I am glad to say that Mr. S. C. Roberts, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, has agreed to act as Chairman of this Committee. The names of the other members will be announced as soon as possible.

Mr. Irving

Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that there is a very deep cleavage of opinion in the Library Association about the size of authority which ought to be allowed to maintain a library service, that this led to the rejection of a resolution put forward by the council of the association at its annual conference, the subsequent carrying of it on a postal ballot, and the subsequent rejection of it in the following year, and that that in itself led to the formation of a Smaller Libraries Association? While I do not wish to encourage parochialism, might I point out that this is an Association which is worthy of a hearing?

Sir E. Boyle

I have heard details of the points to which the hon. Member has referred. The intention is that the Committee should be representative of the local authorities and professional bodies mainly concerned with the public library service, as well as of other interests connected with it.