HC Deb 18 July 1957 vol 573 c1318
12. Dr. King

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education if he will introduce legislation to enable local education authorities to assist in the provision of teachers or schools or equipment in the Colonies.

Sir E. Boyle

The provision of teachers, schools and equipment in Colonial Territories is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Governments of the individual territories. But the Government attach great importance to encouraging British teachers, and especially teachers of English, to take up posts in the Colonies, as well as certain other posts overseas. The Government's proposals were described in the White Paper on the Overseas Information Services and the local education authorities' and teachers' associations have been asked to co-operate in making a success of these measures.

Dr. King

While thanking the Minister for the very sympathetic reply on the principle of the Question, may I ask if he is aware that the crying need of the Colonies is for school places and for teachers, that it is our moral duty to assist the impoverished Colonies to provide these facilities for children, and that probably a number of British local education authorities would be willing to lend a hand by the provision of a teacher or a school if the Minister would make such provision legal?

Sir E. Boyle

The main purpose of the proposals in the White Paper is to give teachers going overseas confidence that their career prospects when they return to this country will not be impaired. These proposals will not require legislation. I can assure the hon. Gentleman that we are bearing all these points in mind.