HC Deb 17 July 1957 vol 573 cc1136-7
40. Mr. A. Roberts

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation the number of road constructions or reconstructions for which his Department is responsible which are actually in progress in Yorkshire at the present time.

Mr. Watkinson

On trunk roads 23 major schemes costing about £ 1,400,000 are in hand and 15 more costing about £2,000,000 are in preparation. In addition, some 140 minor schemes, costing about £770,000, will be dealt with this year. On classified roads, I have made grants towards 45 major schemes costing about £ 1,270,000 and 65 minor schemes costing about £655,000.

Mr. Roberts

Whilst thanking the Minister for that information, may I ask whether he is aware that a certain amount of procrastination in his Department is causing considerable delay in starting these schemes? Is he further aware that West Riding County Council has been waiting months for the invitation to start the Doncaster by-pass?

Mr. Watkinson

The hon. Member knows that the line of the Doncaster bypass has just been fixed and work can now go forward. If he has any details about any way in which my Department or anyone else is holding up the road programme and lets me know, I shall be only too glad to look into them.

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