§ 57. Mr. Biggs-Davisonasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies to what extent the areas leased in Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, and other British Caribbean territories in August, 1940 to the United States of America have been increased, reduced or otherwise altered since then.
§ Mr. ProfumoThe Second Annex to the Leased Bases Agreement of March, 1941—which does not affect Barbados—describes the areas then provisionally selected for leasing to the United States. They cover some 62,000 acres. The Agreement provided for the leasing of supplementary areas and the total made available to the United States under it is about 87,000 acres. Approximately 70,000 acres of this is not occupied by the United States at present and, subject to rights of reoccupation in emergency, large areas have been released for cultivation and several airfields constructed by the United States are in regular civilian use.