HC Deb 03 July 1957 vol 572 c1076
14. Dr. Dickson Mabon

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that the percentage of unemployment in Greenock is almost 6 per cent.; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy this situation.

Mr. Iain Macleod

Yes, Sir. My local officers are doing all that they can by submitting unemployed workers to vacancies notified to employment exchanges. It is hoped that new projects not yet fully manned will in due course provide about 700 additional jobs in the area.

Dr. Mabon

Does the Minister realise that with the certainty of unemployment of dockers in the Greenock area in the autumn, plus the recent dismissal of 225 Greenock workers from the Royal Ordnance Factory at Bishopton, that already very bad situation of 6 per cent. unemployed is bound to get worse in the very near future? Will he have a word with the President of the Board of Trade and with the Minister of Supply about the whole position, particularly in view of the last part of his Answer?

Mr. Macleod

The June figure is, in fact, rather better for the area—5.6 per cent.—but there are certain disturbing possibilities for the future which the hon. Member mentioned. I know that my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade and the Secretary of State for Scotland are seized of the importance of this area and of the employment situation in it. If I can help by discussing the matter with them, of course I will.