HC Deb 30 January 1957 vol 563 cc969-70
8. Miss Vickers

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what are the conditions of service and pay of the men working with the United Kingdom Salvage Unit at Suez.

Mr. Soames

The United Kingdom Salvage Unit consisted of Admiralty ships, manned by officers and men of the Royal Navy and by Admiralty civilian employees of the grades normally employed on such craft, and two chartered vessels.

Naval personnel received naval pay and allowances, including hard lying money, and an allowance for work of an objectionable nature. Admiralty civilian crews received the pay and the allowances appropriate to them when on foreign service, plus a special allowance to compensate for the exceptional conditions associated with their employment. I have no information about the conditions of the crews of the chartered vessels.

Miss Vickers

I thank my hon. Friend for that Answer. Will he agree with me that these men have done an excellent job under very difficult circumstances? When they return to this country, will he consider allowing them some extra pay and extra leave, in particular those who have not been on shore for nearly five months?

Mr. Soames

These men have certainly done a most magnificent job. I will certainly bear in mind what my hon. Friend says.