HC Deb 23 January 1957 vol 563 cc170-2
34. Mr. Hale

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the number of detainees still in prison or detention camps in Kenya who have never been brought to trial, giving the number of males and females in each camp and the number of qualified rehabilitation officers employed at each camp.

Mr. Maclay

As the reply contains a number of figures, with permission I will circulate the information in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Hale

Surely it is possible for the right hon. Gentleman at least to tell us the number of rehabilitation officers employed? In view of recent strictures in relation to the absence of rehabilitation officers and the statements that at a large number of camps there are no officers, will he give us some information?

Mr. Maclay

The Answer includes a large number of figures, but I can certainly answer the hon. Gentleman's question about the number of rehabilitation officers. There are 37, but they are, assisted by 89 rehabilitation assistants, 28 screening clerks and 143 screening elders.

Mr. Paget

Does not the right hon. Gentleman agree that it is a very serious matter that so many thousands of people in our Empire should be in prison without trial, and should have been there for so long? Surely the rehabilitation process needs to be pushed forward very hard.

Mr. Maclay

The hon. and learned Gentleman will probably know that under the rehabilitation schemes more than 30,000 natives have already come out of the camps.

Following is the reply:

Camp Population Rehabilitation officers
Female Male
Fort Hall District
Fort Hall Reception Centre 4 618
Kamaguta 429 1
Kandara 684 2
Kangema 641
Kigumo 258
Mariira 261
Embu District
Dondueni 114
Gathigiriri 1,470 1
Kandongu 339 1
Karaba 560
Mwea 755
Thiba 951 2
Meru District
Mbeu 842
Nyeri District
Aguthi 769
Karatina 325
Mukuruweini 293
Mweru 409
Othaya 18 368
Show Ground 388
Kiambu District
Gatundu 186 1
Githiga 207 2
Kiambu Transit Camp 228
Ngenya 937 1
Waithaka 212 2
Rift Valley Province
Marigat 1,015 2
Coast Province
Hola 209
Mkobe 164 1
Takwa 193 1
(with Hola)
Southern Province
Athi River 1,087 3
Kathonzweni 203 1
Mara River 361 1
Ngulot 336

Camp Population Rehabilitation officers
Female Male
Lodwar 442
Kamiti 1,394 5
Mageta Island 2,406 1
Manyani 6,966 1
Nairobi Dispersal Centre 213
Saiyusi Island 630 1
South Yatta 1,275 1
Fort Hall Prison 1
Embu Prison 2
Meru Detention Camp 5
Kisumu Prison 6 553
Marsabit Prison 1
Nairobi New Prison 22
Kamiti 'Y' Camp 51
Hindi 101
Mombasa Prison 40
Wamumu 884 6
Total 1,422 29,404 37

There are, in addition to the rehabilitation officers, 89 rehabilitation assistants. No professional qualification is demanded of candidates for the post of rehabilitation officer, but they are appointed on grounds of character and knowledge of Africa and of African languages. They also undergo special training courses in Kenya.