HC Deb 04 February 1957 vol 564 cc29-30
58. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many meetings of the Suez Canal Users' Association have been held during the past three months; what nations were represented; on what date the last meeting was held; and what action is being taken by the Association to expedite the clearance of the Suez Canal.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

The Council of the Suez Canal Users' Association met on 10th January and most recently on 21st January. All 15 members were present, and three countries with observer status. The Executive Group meets frequently.

Clearance of the Canal is in the hands of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and it is not for the Association as such to act in this matter. But its members, including the United Kingdom, have provided most of the resources for carrying out the salvage work of the United Nations.

Mr. Johnson

May I ask my right hon. and learned Friend if it would not be quite proper for the Association to make a joint approach to the Secretary-General and to General Wheeler about the use of our ships for clearing the Canal?

Mr. Lloyd

Our latest information about the clearance of the Canal is that General Wheeler's forecasts are likely to be met, and I think that at the present time no useful purpose would be served by such a joint approach.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Can the right hon. and learned Gentleman tell us when the Canal Users' Association is likely to go into liquidation? Were the members not persuaded to join that Association on the assumption that the Government were going to help them to use the Canal and not to block it, and when are they going to get their money back?

Mr. Lloyd

If the hon. Gentleman will again study, as I am sure he has already studied with care, the letter of the Secretary-General of the United Nations of 24th October, he will see that there is envisaged in that a rôle for the users jointly, collectively, and I think that is very sensible.

Mr. Shinwell

As a matter of interest, would the right hon. and learned Gentleman say whether it is not correct that the Canal Users' Association was proposed in the first instance by Mr. Dulles?

Mr. Lloyd

Certainly, Sir.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Would it be possible to disclose to the House and the country what is taking place during these meetings of the Suez Canal Users' Association? Are plans being formulated, once the Canal is cleared, to internationalise it and regularise the shipping through it?

Mr. Lloyd

There are very considerable technical difficulties—[Laughter.] It is not a matter for great mirth. The shipping of the world, if it is again to use this waterway, will have to be organised, and I gather that the ship owners require a considerable period of notice before they can reroute their ships. These are perfectly proper matters for discussion by the Association.

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