HC Deb 10 December 1957 vol 579 c1053
14. Mr. Robens

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works, as representing the Lord President of the Council, to what extent the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is co-operating in research into the liquification of methane or natural gas.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works (Mr. Harmar Nicholls)

The D.S.I.R. is not concerned with this work, as research in this field comes under the Gas Council.

Mr. Robens

Is it a fact that the Gas Council is doing this on its own without Government support?

Mr. Nicholls

It comes under the heading of the Gas Council. If the right hon. Gentleman would put a Question to the Paymaster-General, who answers for that body, perhaps he would get a bitter answer.

Mr. Robens

Am I to understand that if we put a Question to the Paymaster-General it will be answered and not referred to as a matter of day-to-day administration by the Gas Council?

Mr. Nicholls

The right hon. Gentleman asked me about the D.S.I.R. for which I am responsible, and this matter does not come within the purview of the D.S.I.R.

Mr. Robens

The hon. Gentleman said that I could put a Question to the Paymaster-General. If that is done, will the Paymaster-General answer the Question?

Mr. Nicholls

I can only suggest that the right hon. Gentleman should put the Question down and see what the Answer is.