HC Deb 10 December 1957 vol 579 c1050
10. Mr. Peyton

asked the Minister of Works if he is satisfied that Carlton House Terrace is in an adequate state of repair and decoration; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Molson

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Peyton

Might I ask my right hon. Friend to be good enough to take a walk around this very beautiful building? Does not he really think, from his observations of the building so far, that it presents an appearance of seedy decay which gives the worst possible impression to foreign visitors? I hope that my right hon. Friend will take the matter seriously because, at the moment, the appearance of the building is very bad.

Mr. Molson

It is the intention to build a new Foreign Office behind Nash's facade, but when it will be possible to undertake that is not apparent at the present time. It is intended that the present building shall last, at any rate, until 1963. Some £30,000 was spent on reconditioning in 1955, and £18,000 a year has been spent on maintenance over the last four years. I hope that it will be possible to repaint the façade during the next financial year, but that depends on whether money is available.