HC Deb 09 December 1957 vol 579 cc899-900
45. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the hon. Member for Woolwich, West, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, for what reasons it was decided to allow guests to be taken to the Members' Cafeteria from 12.30–5.30 p.m.

Sir W. Steward

Between the hours of 12.30 and 5.30 p.m. the Members' Cafeteria was never more than half full, while the Strangers' Cafeteria during those hours was generally overcrowded.

Mr. Davies

Does the hon. Member consider that there is any justification for depriving Members of the exclusive use of the Cafeteria, where they can take their meals uninhibited by the presence of strangers? By the same token, would it not be reasonable to allow strangers into the Members' Dining Room? Does he not think it would have been courteous to consult those Members who use the Cafeteria before he took this arbitrary action?

Sir W. Steward

It is always difficult for my Committee to carry out the wishes of all the Members of the House, but the Committee tries to carry out the wishes of the majority. It feels that what it has done has the appreciation of the majority of the Members. I will, however, assure the hon. Member that I will place his observations before the Committee at its next meeting, to be held on Wednesday.

Mr. Shinwell

I am not sure whether this is a legitimate point of order, Mr. Speaker, but I seek your guidance on this matter. I am not quite clear whether you, Mr. Speaker, or the Serjeant at Arms are responsible for protecting the rights of Members concerning the facilities provided in the House, but may I ask you to use your influence to ensure that any room set apart for Members and placarded accordingly—that is the position of the Members' Cafeteria—should not be made available other than to Members?

Mr. Speaker

Normally, these matters are arranged by the all-party Kitchen Committee, but if any complaint is brought to my notice, I will, of course, find it my duty to investigate it.

Mr. Mellish

Further to that point of order. May I ask that when investigating this matter, Mr. Speaker, you will take into consideration the fact that the Government benches are mostly empty these days and that we could have a few strangers in here?

Mr. D. Jones

In view of the fact that these same conditions prevail in the Members' Smoke Room and that it is half empty between 12.30 and 5.30, will the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee apply the same conditions there?

Mr. Speaker

All these matters can be taken into consideration at the appropriate time.